How much does an Architecture Teacher Postsecondary make?

Career Introduction

An Architecture Teacher Postsecondary is responsible for teaching architecture courses at the college or university level. They prepare and deliver lectures, lead discussions, and evaluate student performance. They may also conduct research and publish findings in academic journals.



Salary range for an Architecture Teacher Postsecondary (US)


Median Annual Income (US)



According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for postsecondary architecture teachers in the United States is $87,900. However, the salary range can vary widely depending on factors such as location, level of education, and years of experience.

In the European Union, the average salary for a postsecondary architecture teacher is €50,000 to €70,000 per year, depending on the country. It's important to note that becoming a successful architecture teacher requires a passion for both teaching and architecture, as well as advanced education and experience in the field.

Nevertheless, it can be a rewarding career path for those who enjoy sharing their knowledge and helping shape the future of the profession.

Pros and Cons of an Architecture Teacher Postsecondary


Average Job Satisfaction (N=not enough data)


Teaching architecture at the postsecondary level can be a rewarding and challenging career. On the positive side, architecture teachers get to share their passion for design and creativity with students who are eager to learn. They also have the opportunity to shape the future of the profession by inspiring the next generation of architects.

Additionally, teaching can provide a stable and fulfilling career with a steady income and benefits. However, there are also some cons to consider. The workload can be heavy, with long hours spent preparing lectures and grading assignments. Furthermore, the job market for architecture teachers can be competitive and require advanced degrees and experience.

Despite these challenges, those who are passionate about architecture and education may find that teaching at the postsecondary level is a fulfilling and meaningful career choice.

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